

campaigning 单语例句

1. The PAN said it would suspend campaigning by its own gubernatorial candidate in Tamaulipas, but PAN party leader Cesar Nava said he hoped the vote would go forward.

2. After Charles'bitter 1996 divorce, royal spin doctors began cautiously campaigning to win more public support for Camilla.

3. " Calling for Change " was the election slogan the CE chose when campaigning for the city's top job.

4. More clarity as to Sharon's condition might enable his new, centrist Kadima Party to select a successor and start campaigning for March 28 elections.

5. campaigning

5. British designer Katharine Hamnett is relishing a comeback now that the fashion world has finally caught up with her campaigning notions about clothes.

6. Local daily Straits Times reported on Thursday that Tan made the comment while campaigning for presidency.

7. May has spent most of the campaigning in her constituency, where she hopes to win the Green Party's first seat in the House of Commons.

8. Chinese negotiators have started a new round of campaigning in their battle to secure a meaningful climate change deal at the upcoming Copenhagen summit.

9. Bush took time off from campaigning during the day, leaving it to his surrogates to counterattack.

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10. Many candidates started campaigning before they officially declared themselves as candidates, but most of those expenses are not counted as " election spending " under current law.