1. 宿营:比赛也许是一场曲棍球(field hockey)或足球比赛(soccergames),来宾们也可以参加一项体育活动,诸如滑冰(skating)、垂钓t:fishing)或者宿营(camping). 或者在司仪(emcee)引导下,让来宾参与一些娱乐活动. 男子单身聚会这一变化趋势是令人难以忘怀的.
2. 露营:露营 (Camping) 日期:2007-12-04 11:22 露营是另外一种流行的渡假方式, 具有灵活性和冒险性. 营地一般装备有现代设施、清洁的淋浴室和盥洗室. 露营地风景迷人,并以其地方特色和全套的娱乐设施,充分满足渡假者的需求.
3. 营地:为鼓励学生们的创造能力,德国混凝土协会(Beton)每年都会举办一届混凝土舟的比赛,参赛要求是在校大学生,而且船必须是由混凝土制作而成的. 由于比赛是在第二天,第一天晚上所有学生都是睡在宿营地(Camping)里面的,大家都自带帐篷和睡袋,我还是第一体验在帐篷中过夜的生活.
1. By 12 pm the dimly lit square had been turned into a camping ground.
2. camping的翻译
2. Chinese consumers " have a growing interest in RV travel and camping, " Williams said.
3. The current prototype also gives the option of powering it with lithium ion batteries making it completely portable for camping and outdoor sportsman activities.
4. They established several camping areas in the major scenic spots and rented out tents to interested tourists wanting to spend a night in the mountains.
5. Conservationists called the site a historical landmark and carried their campaign into the pier, camping inside in a bid to preserve it.
6. The jeep coped well with these tough conditions and with little more than an hour's light remaining we reached our camping site.
7. camping的近义词
7. But a local guide is a must to avoid getting lost in this vast land, and plenty of food and camping equipment is also essential.
8. camping什么意思
8. The artist has been camping out in the gallery for the past week preparing whimsical site specific works for Shanghai.
9. Other options include a stay at the home of a farmer to experience rural life or camping out and having barbecues.
10. camping
10. Activists at nearby camping sites were gearing up for clashes Tuesday, and vowed to disrupt the meeting however they could.
1. the act of encamping and living in tents in a camp
Synonym: encampment bivouacking tenting