
candid [ˈkændɪd]  [ˈkændɪd] 

candid 基本解释

形容词偷拍的; 公正的; 率直的,坦白的

candid 同义词

形容词direct outspoken frank blunt sincere straightforward

candid 反义词

形容词partial unfair unjust

candid 相关例句



1. I will be quite candid with you, I think you acted foolishly.

2. To be candid, I don't agree.

3. To be candid, I don't like your hairstyle.

4. This is really a candid decision.

candid 网络解释

1. 真实:真实(Candid) 最重要的是诚实. 如果你说的不是实情,你的员工--还有周围的其他人,会识破你. 当今世界任何隐瞒事实的企图都是徒劳的. 不但那些消息灵通、聪明的员工会识破你,其他人大多也会识破你,不要小看别人,实话实说,

2. 正直的:careful 办事仔细的 | candid 正直的 | charitable 宽厚的

candid 词典解释

1. 坦诚的;直言的
    When you are candid about something or with someone, you speak honestly.

    e.g. Nat is candid about the problems she is having with Steve...
    e.g. I haven't been completely candid with him.

He has stopped taking heroin now, but admits candidly that he will always be a drug addict.

2. candid的近义词

2. (照片)趁人不备时拍摄的,偷拍的,抓拍的
    A candid photograph of someone is one that was taken when the person did not know they were being photographed.

candid 单语例句

1. candid的近义词

1. To be candid, the government's argument is correct but meaningless.

2. My hotfooted friend was making candid movies to educate the public about how to lend assistance to emergency callers while protecting your phone.


3. This kind of candid and open style of dialogue played an irreplaceable role in nurturing mutual trust and dissolving suspicion between the two countries.

4. candid在线翻译

4. A major part of the play's Chinese version preserves the hallmark tone of candid confession and shocking presentation intermingled with humour.

5. candid是什么意思

5. But they should know that rules have never been built upon pressure, but candid talks and concessions taking mutual benefits into account.

6. The cables are thought to include candid assessments of foreign leaders and governments and could erode trust in the US as a diplomatic partner.

7. candid的解释

7. But it was the long and candid interviews with women aged 25 to 50 whose partners were obsessed with pornography that proved most illuminating.

8. TOKYO - China and Japan need to continue candid exchanges to smooth over thorny security and diplomatic issues and achieve mutual understanding.

9. Premier Wen Jiabao's online debut won the hearts of those in the cyber community thanks to his soothing and candid answers on Saturday.

10. Currently the two countries are making progress in mutual understanding over these issues thanks to candid exchanges during strategic dialogues.

candid 英英释义


1. characterized by directness in manner or speech
    without subtlety or evasion

    e.g. blunt talking and straight shooting
           a blunt New England farmer
           I gave them my candid opinion
           forthright criticism
           a forthright approach to the problem
           tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank
           it is possible to be outspoken without being rude
           plainspoken and to the point
           a point-blank accusation

    Synonym: blunt forthright frank free-spoken outspoken plainspoken point-blank straight-from-the-shoulder

2. openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness

    e.g. his candid eyes
           an open and trusting nature
           a heart-to-heart talk

    Synonym: open heart-to-heart

3. informal or natural
    especially caught off guard or unprepared

    e.g. a candid photograph
           a candid interview