
canoe [kəˈnu:]  [kəˈnu] 








canoe 基本解释




canoe 相关例句


1. Grain used to be canoed up the river.

2. Munitions were canoed across the river.


1. We were canoeing in the lake.

2. They canoed across the river.


1. We could cross the lake only in a canoe at that time.

canoe 网络解释

1. 划艇:独木舟包括皮艇(Kayak)和划艇(Canoe),都是两头尖小,没有桨架的船艇. 由於这两种艇的比赛场地、比赛距离、比赛规则和裁判方法基本相同,因此皮艇和划艇统称为独木舟运动. 但这两种艇的船形结构、桨的形状、运动员的划桨姿势、握桨方法和技术动作则完全不同.

2. 皮划艇:中亚国家乌兹别克和非洲塞内加尔的皮划艇(canoe)也签约要在加来为2012奥运集训. 另外,喀麦隆的田径队、阿尔及利亚的女子排球队、多哥的田径队,以及一些南美国家也在与加来地区政府讨论设立集训营的方案.

3. 赛艇:canoe slalom---激流划船 | canoe---赛艇 | chess---象棋

canoe 词典解释

1. 独木舟;小划子
    A canoe is a small, narrow boat that you move through the water using a stick with a wide end called a paddle.

canoe 单语例句

1. canoe的反义词

1. This is the third and last Canoe World Cup this year, featuring 27 events.

2. canoe

2. Shi believed that protecting the canoe on the spot would provide valuable chances for other experts and later generations to make further research.

3. Darwin was working as a prison officer when he disappeared in March 2002, his wife saying he apparently took his canoe into the North Sea.

4. A Red Cross official says 80 people are missing and feared dead after an overloaded canoe capsized on a river in eastern Congo.

5. The wild water canoe and kayak facility was hailed as the world's best, as were the rowing centre and the weightlifting arena.

6. canoe

6. Zhu drew his inspiration for this vessel from the legend of a celestial being who flew to the heavens in a canoe.

7. The canoe was only partially completed before it was freighted to China in February and was completed onsite in the Expo Garden.

8. Originally slightly yellow when being excavated half a year ago, the canoe has now turned totally black.

9. canoe

9. Beside the canoe there were many short oars, also covered by white cotton soaked with medicinal liquid.

10. In one flooded neighborhood, a man paddled a canoe through ice floes and swirling currents.

canoe 英英释义



1. small and light boat
    pointed at both ends
    propelled with a paddle


1. canoe的翻译

1. travel by canoe

    e.g. canoe along the canal