capable person

capable person[ˈkeipəbl ˈpə:sən] 

capable person 基本解释

capable person的翻译

材; 干将; 有行为能力的人; 才

capable person 网络解释

capable person

1. 有行为能力人:capability 能力可能性 | capable person 有行为能力人 | capable 有能力的;有资格的;有才能的

capable person 单语例句

1. Hong Kong Senior Government Officers'Association president Peter Chan was pleased that a capable person like Tsang would be elected the CE.

2. capable person的解释

2. Lagarde has personally praised Zhu as a capable and suitable person who should play a more significant role in the fund.

3. As perhaps the only person capable of uniting the many different Palestinian groups, he has no obvious successor.

4. capable person什么意思

4. " I am the only person capable of telling this one, " Parga says proudly.

5. capable person的意思

5. Si said that apart from studying, manual work can also make a person wiser and more capable.