1. 容量因子:在色谱分离体系中,组分的分配系数不便测定,因此常使用容量因子(capacity factor)这一重要的热力学参数. 容量因子又称为质量分配比,以k表示,是指在一定温度、压力下,在两相间达到分配平衡时,组分在两相中的质量比
2. 容量因数:虽然加州风场在某些时段能操作于满载,但在2001年的容量因数(capacity factor)仍仅27%,研究显示若能增加100MW的风能及储能装置,可将容量因数提升至41%,因此在加州San Gorgonio地区已装设大型电池储能系统,用以提升风力容量因数.
3. 容量系数:这个风电场离前在示范阶段已经有两个大型项目获得国家海事处(national maritime authority) 颁发的建设许可证,其中一项工程是在北海的布坎(Borkum)岛拟于麻萨诸塞州(Massachusetts) 海岸对面的南度□ 容量系数(Capacity factor) 的增长厂退役(d
4. (液力变矩器)能容系数:Capacity 容量 | Capacity factor (液力变矩器)能容系数 | Capacity of storage battery 蓄电池容量
1. capacity factor在线翻译
1. Technological innovation has become the engine for world economic growth, and innovative capacity is a factor determining success and failure.
2. danci.911cha.com
2. " Economic capacity is one crucial factor about whether people want a second child, " says Ma Xiaohong from the Institute of Population in Beijing.
3. Improved tariff collection capacity is also a major factor in the growth of customs revenue, the spokesperson added.
4. A significant increase in capacity has also weighed on the passenger load factor.
5. Local carriers are losing money by flying to the US because of low load factor, less cargo transporting capacity and less business chances.