capital construction

capital construction [ˈkæpitl kənˈstrʌkʃən]  [ˈkæpɪtl kənˈstrʌkʃən] 

capital construction 基本解释

capital construction的意思

基建; 基本建设

capital construction 网络解释


1. 资本建设:要处理这笔费用并不是问题而过往中国政府也有往绩在出现环球经济问题时大幅增加政府开支据摩根大通的资料,1998年及1999年,政府直接投资于资本建设(Capital Construction)增加36%及53%这令GDP在当时增加了1%至1.5%摩根大通因此罗列,

2. 基本建设:body construction车身(机身、弹体)构造 | capital construction基本建设 | physical construction机械构造

3. 调拨价值一百万美元的钢铁用于基本建设:commit him to jail将他监禁 | capital construction调拨价值一百万美元的钢铁用于基本建设 | He would not commit himself in any way.他不愿作任何承诺.

4. 基本建设;基建:capital construction 基本建设 | capital construction 基本建设;基建 | capital construction accounting 基本建设会计

capital construction 单语例句

1. " The highlight of the plan is private capital will be allowed to fund railway construction, " Wu told China Business Weekly.

2. It said the capital raised would be used to procure construction facilities, expand the manufacturing capacity of mechanical equipment and invest in properties and railways.

3. In the planned economy period, farmers contributed a colossal amount of capital for the country's construction.

4. Dalian has won the provincial Dayu Cup for outstanding farmland capital construction for 18 consecutive years.


5. Efforts to speed up development of the central region will be supported with government investment in capital construction and technological upgrading projects.

6. capital construction的翻译

6. This was the first statutory document on the capital construction auditing of the PLA.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. Railway experts said more railway companies would follow the Daqin model by listing to raise capital for construction.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. The China Democratic League's members meet to discuss state affairs, undertake social investigations and work out proposals for the capital's construction.

9. Wang said allowing private capital into railway construction is beneficial as the infrastructure construction of railways needs huge amounts of money.


10. China launched the housing presale system in 1994, allowing developers to secure ample capital for project construction with home buyers'down payments.