
capitalized ['kæpɪtəlɑɪzd]  ['kæpɪtəlɑɪzd] 




capitalized 基本解释
大写的;用大写字母写或印刷( capitalize的过去式和过去分词 );将转作资本、用作资本或资本化;
capitalized 网络解释

1. 大写的:capacity ;能力 | capitalized ;大写的 | capital ;大写

2. 资本化:成本被计入资本帐户而不是马上被费用化:Capitalization 资本结构:负债加业主权益. | Capitalized 资本化:成本被计入资本帐户而不是马上被费用化. | Carrying amount帐面值:参看book value.

3. 资本充足率:quasi-money资本不足 under | -capitalized资本充足率 capital | adequacy ratio资本利润率 return

capitalized 单语例句

1. capitalized的意思

1. Many local merchants capitalized on the stranded drivers'predicament by offering food and drink at inflated prices.

2. She didn't drop a single shot, picked up six birdies but failed to capitalized on several chances.

3. New Hebei Airlines will be formally established on June 29, using the logo of a capitalized J resembling a soaring eagle.

4. The Democrats capitalized on economic problems and ruling party scandals to win the 2007 elections to gain control of the upper house.

5. It turns out that cyberspace may be more generous to individuals than companies that have capitalized on its technical capabilities.

6. While Timberlake said it was a " wardrobe malfunction, " Jackson capitalized on the attention.

7. And he's capitalized on his compelling story by creating a motivational speaking circuit for himself in the city.

8. capitalized什么意思

8. For decades Russia has capitalized on the oil and gas export pipelines stretching mainly within its borders from the Central Asian production region to Europe.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. Many local merchants capitalized on the stranded drivers'predicament by offering food and drink for inflated prices.

10. The timing of horror thriller's release capitalized on Lawrence's " Hunger Games " fame, said Relativity president of distribution Kyle Davies.