1. 甲壳:头胸部的背面和两侧翼覆以坚硬的表皮层,名为甲壳(carapace),故有甲壳动物一名. 甲壳的万分为几丁质或其中浸染碳酸钙或磷酸钙,或完全为钙质,所以易成化石. 多水生,少数生活于潮湿地带. 寒武纪至现代. 本纲可分为八个亚纲,
2. 背甲:我们谈到的(Leopard)豹是指生活在非洲大陆的(chelonian)乌龟种类,Geochelone pardalis豹纹陆龟(Leopard Tortoises)最主要分布在南非次大陆东部海角省份,成体可达相当大的大小,背甲(carapace)长度可超过60cm,
3. 甲:病虾的症状表现为其额角缩短变钝,体色蓝黑,鳃部的头甲(Carapace)向外突出欲称鬼虾,虾体背腹部的重叠节凸起极不平整,属部亦变曲成波浪形式,其成长停顿或仅及于正常者的一半而已.
4. 或 Spikes 倒刺甲壳:Beetles 腐尸甲虫 | Carapace 或 Spikes 倒刺甲壳 | FN 霜冻新星
1. (龟、蟹等的)甲壳,背甲
A carapace is the protective shell on the back of some animals such as tortoises or crabs.
2. (用以自我保护的)外壳,外衣,外表
You can refer to an attitude that someone has in order to protect themselves as their carapace .
e.g. The arrogance became his protective carapace.
1. carapace
1. The restaurant selects the finest crabs with crystal white flesh in the carapace and rich crab roe.