
carbarn ['kɑ:bɑ:n]  ['kɑ:ˌbɑ:n] 

carbarn 基本解释



carbarn 网络解释

1. 车库:carbanion 负碳离子 | carbarn 车库 | carbaryl 西维因

carbarn 双语例句


1. I have to back car to the carbarn, it is too dangerous to park it outside.

2. I need to reverse my car to the carbarn. It is too dangerous to stop it outside.


3. I should back my car to carbarn, it's too dangerous to park it outside

4. I need to stop the car into the carbarn, it is too danger to stop outside.

5. I must put my car into the carbarn, it is too dangerous to park it outside.

6. I must back up the car to the carbarn, leave it outside is too dangerouse.

7. Suddenly he heared noise behind him, he realized someone was in the carbarn at once.

8. Application of Cast-in-Situ Prestressed Concrete Hollow Slab in Underground Carbarn Structures


9. Automatic controlling system for adjusting carbarn size in farming vehicle stake-examination