carbonated water

carbonated water[ˈkɑ:bəneitid ˈwɔ:tə] 

carbonated water 基本解释

carbonated water


carbonated water 网络解释

1. 苏打水:部分患者可通过改变饮食习惯(如增加纤维素及水份)使便秘得以缓解[1,17],而饮苏打水(carbonated water)则可减少食欲,加重消化不良及便秘等症状[18]. 在功能性便秘治疗中,渗透性轻泻剂显示出其明显的优越性,而逐渐受到重视[19, 20].

2. 碳酸水:carbonate 碳酸盐 | carbonated water 碳酸水 | carbonated wine 汽酒

3. 焦化了水:654. Snow雪 | 655. Carbonated Water 焦化了水 | 656. Toilet paper 厕所纸

4. 碳酸饮料:79 Caramel Apples 焦糖苹果 | 80 Carbonated Water 碳酸饮料 | 81 Cardboard卡纸

carbonated water 单语例句

1. carbonated water什么意思

1. If you're used to an afternoon soda, try carbonated or flavored water instead.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. The base produces the Jianlibao brand of carbonated drink known as China Magic Water.


3. Instead of consuming carbonated drinks, the children were encouraged to drink diluted fruit juices or water.

4. It has become the third largest sector after bottled water and carbonated drinks.

carbonated water 英英释义


1. carbonated water什么意思

1. effervescent beverage artificially charged with carbon dioxide

    Synonym: soda water club soda seltzer sparkling water