






careers 基本解释
职业;生涯( career的名词复数 );专业;成就;
careers 网络解释


1. 职业生涯:Capitalism,varieties of/资本主义的多样性 | Careers/职业生涯 | Caribbean,management in the/加勒比地区的管理

2. 事业:2 Charity 善举 | 3 Careers 事业 | 4 Relationships 人际关系

3. 职业发展:Perquisites 额外津贴 | Careers职业发展 | Work Content 工作内容

careers 单语例句

1. He and his wife are both busy with careers and value the flexibility they have to enjoy their leisure time.


2. These signature evenings normally attract about 140 - 180 expatriate and English speaking Chinese that wish to advance their careers by knowing the right people.

3. careers

3. The young students coached by Isaac Stern during his visit to China in 1979 have all developed successful careers in performing or teaching.

4. careers的意思

4. This tallies with the general public's desire to manage their resources without having to change their careers to start up a business.


5. He said the money won't affect his life and that the couple will use it in their future careers and to do charity work.

6. careers的解释

6. The commission said it had not investigated the reasons behind the disparities between careers of mothers and childless women.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Individuals use them to pursue obsessions, jumpstart careers or chronicle their lives for family and friends.

8. But Lee flunked his college entrance exams twice a colossal disgrace for his family and a failure that dooms many Taiwan youth to mediocre careers.

9. These differences put women in a disadvantageous position in some careers, so it's not wise for women to try to compete with men in all fields.

10. careers的意思

10. Holding a concert at the venue is also regarded as a great honor and a landmark in the careers of many artists around the world.