
caretaker [ˈkeəteɪkə(r)]  [ˈkerteɪkə(r)] 


caretaker 基本解释

名词看门人; 看管着; 守护者


caretaker 相关例句


1. The caretaker of the warehouse was trustworthy.

caretaker 网络解释

1. 守护者:凯丝是一个欧康帕,欧康帕是一群生命周期只有九年的奇特种族,拥有心灵感应能力的奇特种族,居住在欧康帕星上的一个地底城市,其生活所需的一切由轨道上的奇特生命体-守护者(Caretaker)提供.在凯丝一岁,她的父亲过世没多久后,

2. 管理员:也是一个皇家檢控署的首長(director of the CPS),再搭配一资深一资浅的皇家檢察官(Crown Prosecutor)受害者是婴儿,因为吸毒气一氧化碳过浓至死(to be gassed to death),祸首公寓(flat)管理员(caretaker)跟房东一起赶房客,

3. 看守员;管理员:carborundum strip 金刚砂路带;碳化硅路带 | caretaker 看守员;管理员 | cargo handling area 货物装卸区

4. 大楼管理人员,亦作janitor(美):care for people 以人为本 | caretaker 大楼管理人员,亦作janitor(美) | cargo division 货运部门

caretaker 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. (学校、公寓等的)管理员
    A caretaker is a person whose job it is to look after a large building such as a school or a block of flats or apartments, and deal with small repairs to it.

in AM, use 美国英语用 janitor

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 看门人;看管人
    A caretaker is a person whose job it is to take care of a house or property when the owner is not there.

3. (政府、领导)临时的,代理的
    A caretaker government or leader is in charge temporarily until a new government or leader is appointed.

    e.g. The military intends to hand over power to a caretaker government and hold elections within six months.

4. caretaker的反义词

4. 护理人;看护者
    A caretaker is someone who is responsible for looking after another person, for example, a person who is disabled, ill, or very young.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 carer
caretaker 单语例句

1. caretaker的近义词

1. The Great Barrier Reef islands caretaker recruitment drive was launched worldwide by Australia's Tourism Queensland, the tourism promotion authority of the Queensland state government.

2. Hamilton Island caretaker Ben Southall and his girlfriend Breanna Watkins arrive at the Australian Island yesterday.

3. caretaker的意思

3. Thailand has had no working legislature and only a caretaker government since February, when Thaksin dissolved parliament to hold new elections in an effort to reaffirm his mandate.

4. caretaker

4. Raul has headed Cuba's caretaker government for 19 months, after Fidel needed emergency intestinal surgery and provisionally ceded power in July 2006.

5. The singer clearly favored his mother as caretaker for his children, designating her as his top choice in his will.

6. Olmert would remain in office until a new premier is chosen, heading a caretaker government after he submits his resignation to President Shimon Peres.

7. The caretaker not only monitors their health and helps with housework, but converses with the elderly couple throughout the week.

8. He is not only the principle but also teacher and cook, a caretaker of all things for 103 sons and daughters.

9. Caretaker coach Wang was invited to attend nationwide team selection in February, but he also complained that he was not treated as a decision maker.

10. The spokesman says the current Cabinet will serve in what he called a caretaker capacity until a new government is formed.

caretaker 英英释义


1. a custodian who is hired to take care of something (property or a person)

2. an official who performs the duties of an office temporarily

    e.g. he acted as a caretaker until a new president could be elected