
carnage [ˈkɑ:nɪdʒ]  [ˈkɑ:rnɪdʒ] 

carnage 基本解释


carnage 网络解释


1. 大屠杀:机构辣手的确很凶很血腥,针对中小散户的大屠杀(carnage)毫不手软. 我相信昨天一定有大量散户恐慌性的抛盘. 很可惜,他们都将和杨家坪那位老翁一样,死在了谷底,死在了黎明前最黑暗的一刻.

2. 残杀,大屠杀,成堆的尸体:4. strangle 扼死,闷死 | 5. carnage 残杀,大屠杀,成堆的尸体 | 6. catechism 教理问答

3. 残杀:carking 烦恼的 | carnage 残杀 | carnality 肉欲

carnage 词典解释

1. carnage的近义词

1. (尤指战争中的)屠杀,残杀
    Carnage is the violent killing of large numbers of people, especially in a war.

    e.g. ...his strategy for stopping the carnage in Kosovo.
    e.g. ...the carnage of motorway accidents.

carnage 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. Iraqi security forces are still not capable of fighting the insurgents on their own, putting pressure on the government to pursue a political approach to ending the carnage.


2. While Carnage is set in Brooklyn in New York, it was shot in Paris.

3. The images of carnage could only fuel new hatreds and radicalize some who felt that peace talks offer more hope than resistance.

4. carnage的意思

4. They appeared timed to inflict maximum carnage in the Indian city of 16 million, more than 6 million of whom ride the crowded rail network every day.

5. " Dark of the Moon " mostly is an expensive exercise in rubbernecking, the audience getting to watch colossal carnage and destruction from the safety of stadium seating.

6. The mainland equity market fell sharply last Tuesday in response to carnage on Wall Street, rebounding later in the week when the US government unveiled its rescue plan.

7. carnage在线翻译

7. Some investors are more pessimistic after the market carnage in 2008, and are considering shifting their portfolios toward safer investments.

8. Authorities have repeatedly vowed to do more to stop the carnage by boosting safety measures and punishing negligent mine owners.

9. While it would be symbolically powerful to reopen the same space, they have had trouble recruiting people to live in a site of such carnage.

10. Rescuers yesterday continued to find survivors beneath the carnage more than 120 hours after the quake wrought widespread devastation.

carnage 英英释义



1. the savage and excessive killing of many people

    Synonym: slaughter massacre mass murder butchery