carpenter's plane

carpenter's plane

carpenter's plane 双语例句

1. For the pavilion type, Miankuo into the deep of all three, each side 8.73m, four-ming from various Canadian Baoxia 1, near the City Wall lateral sides cramped terrain, it was only deep into the Baoxia 1.60m, while the inner city wall both sides of the terrain more open, Baoxia into an increasingly deep 3.98m, plane into the mid-point cross-shaped, contain a carpenter's square building artistic conception, making turret and the city wall construction of these two very different shape and made of organic links.

2. A carpenter's plane intermediate between a jack plane and a''.

3. A carpenter's plane intermediate between a jack plane and a jointer plane.

4. A small carpenter's plane with the cutting edge near the front.

5. A long carpenter's plane used to shape the edges of boards so they will fit together.