
carrefour ['kærɪfʊə]  ['kærəˌfʊr] 

carrefour 基本解释

名词家乐福超市; 道路交叉点,叉路

carrefour 网络解释

1. 家乐福集团:综合外电4月17日报道,欧洲股市17日早盘走高,石油与金属矿业类股攀升,英国石油公司(BP)涨1.2%,法国道达尔(Total)涨1.1%. 法国雅高酒店集团(Accor)跌3.6%,家乐福集团(Carrefour)跌0.9%,投资者关注两公司的第一季度业绩.

2. (法国)家乐福集团:...法国<<费加罗报>>报道称,从现在起至2010年,法国家乐福集团(Carrefour)将投资2亿欧元,将集团旗下的中型超市Champion更名为Carrefour Market. 自1969年10月,在法国诺曼底开设第一家Champion超市起,该超市在法国经营已有近40年历史,

3. 家乐福公司:四个月前,全球第二大零售商家乐福公司(Carrefour)才进军俄罗斯,日前又黯然退出,不仅反映出俄罗斯零售市场饱受衰退打击,也显示家乐福新董事会准备彻底检讨公司的成长策略.

carrefour 单语例句

1. The city government promised on Sunday to maintain social and business order, including the operation of Carrefour.

2. Even supermarket giant Carrefour and the United Nations are Yiwu's customers.

3. A representative of the Carrefour also said workers inspected the store's remaining stock of the suspect brands and found no instances of dual production dates.

4. Carrefour has opened eight hypermarkets in Shanghai and 54 in other cities, and it vows to open 15 new ones every year.

5. Carrefour will give priority to suppliers recommended by FFO for access to its supermarkets, while the FFO will help Carrefour select reliable and qualified fortified food manufacturers.

6. Mao said officials at Carrefour's Shanghai company at first were against holding the talks, saying they believed the company's system of distributing income was reasonable.

7. Tianshan Shopping Mall and Carrefour on Jiefang Road were thronged with crowds, while public security staff demanded passersby open their bags for security checks.

8. Carrefour - the world's second largest retailing group - is also the most successful foreign retailer in China by number of outlets and sales.


9. French retail giant Carrefour has set up purchase outlets in 11 Chinese cities, making the nation its largest purchase base in Asia.

10. The stampede happened early Saturday morning when people flooded into the Carrefour outlet in Shapingba to take advantage of a sales promotion for cooking oil.

carrefour 英英释义


1. a junction where one street or road crosses another

    Synonym: intersection crossroad crossway crossing