
cartoons [ka:'tu:nz]  [ka:'tu:nz] 


cartoons 基本解释
动画片;漫画( cartoon的名词复数 );讽刺画;草图底图;
cartoons 网络解释

1. 动画片:你喜欢看动画片( cartoons )吗?你认识蜡笔小新吗?下面的几道题是测试你了解小新有多少. 请看图填空. 上述问题你都答对了吗?答对了的话,恭喜你顺利过关,奖品是下面任务IV的蜡笔小新画的一幅图family tree.

2. 卡通画:59 Kimono 和服 | 60 Cartoons 卡通画 | 61 Sake 清酒

3. 动漫图书:117 畅销书/热卖 Best Sellers | 118 动漫图书 Cartoons | 119 图书收购 Used Books Wanted

cartoons 单语例句

1. She draws cartoon pictures about love stories and trivia with her husband to kill time, and put a series of more than 100 cartoons on her blog.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. But the student's creativity doesn't make it onto TV cartoons and the good works are often constrained to short plays.

3. Since then, a large quantity of foreign cartoons have flooded into China.

4. Since then, a large quantity of foreign cartoons crammed into China.

5. The police were stationed at the building after the Danish cartoons began sparking protests across the Muslim world more than a week ago.

6. Anger has been spreading in Arab and Muslim countries since cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad appeared in a Danish newspaper and were republished elsewhere.

7. She downloaded some educational apps to distract him from the cartoons, but they soon lost their novelty and he was back watching the cartoons.

8. cartoons

8. Chen also said TV dramas and cartoons have a lot to do with the problem.

9. He told China Daily that he too was a fan of cartoons and wanted to help his friend out of empathy.

10. She said scholarly reviewers and Yale's publication committee comprised of faculty recommended the cartoons be included.