case rate

case rate [keis reit]  [kes ret] 

case rate 基本解释

[医] 患病率

case rate 单语例句

1. case rate的意思

1. The officials added that the case rate has been growing since July.

2. A figure issued by the government statisticians also seemed to strengthen the case for a rate rise.

3. Some observers argue that an expected rise in the prices of agricultural products does not necessarily make the case for an interest rate hike.

4. case rate的近义词

4. Meanwhile, smaller electrodes in the pillow case also perform checks on heart rate and electrical activity.

5. Geithner had been expected to press Washington's case for Beijing to ease exchange rate controls that critics alleged distorted trade.

6. case rate在线翻译

6. In this case, a property tax could help reduce the vacancy rate in newly bought house.

7. Just as in the case of the United Kingdom since 2008, the Greek exchange rate would depreciate sharply.

8. Japan's case is often cited when it comes to failure in balancing the economic growth rate and stimulus policies.

9. And now, a negative interest rate makes the case even worse.

10. The middle phase of virus evolution was marked by the " super - spreader case " and a slower amino acid substitution rate and high infectivity.