cash indemnity

cash indemnity [kæʃ ɪnˈdemnɪti:]  [kæʃ ɪnˈdɛmnɪti] 

cash indemnity 基本解释
cash indemnity 网络解释

cash indemnity的意思

1. 赔款:cash income || 现金收入 | cash indemnity || 赔款 | cash inflows || 现金流入

cash indemnity 双语例句

1. Because our roster is filled with.380 hitters, we have tried to pay cash for acquisitions, and here our record has been far better. Starting with National Indemnity in 1967, and continuing with, among others, See's, Buffalo News, Scott Fetzer and GEICO, we have acquired -- for cash -- a number of large businesses that have performed incredibly well since we bought them. These acquisitions have delivered Berkshire tremendous value -- indeed, far more than I anticipated when we made our purchases.
    正因为目前我们的球员名单已布满了打击率三成八的高手,所以我们总是希望尽量用现金来进行购并,而事实证明我们的成绩远高于预期,1967 从年的国家产险开始,接着是喜斯糖果,水牛城新闻报,史考特飞兹以及盖可保险等等,这些企业在我们用现金买下之后的表现再再令人激赏,它们也为伯克希尔增添了无数的价值,这实在是远高于我们当初的预期。