
cashew [ˈkæʃu:]  [ˈkæʃu, kəˈʃu] 


cashew 基本解释



cashew 网络解释


1. 腰果:锅里不加油小火放腰果不停的翻炒,直至表面金黄,捞出备用;5:腰果虽然营养健康,而且不易使人发胖,但仍不宜食用过多;用腰果做菜时,为了降低热量,不要加油,直接炒比较好. Coogle大放送: 腰果(cashew) 又名鸡腰果、介寿果,因其坚果呈肾形而得名.

2. 灌木 腰果:灌木 蜂蜜 honey | 灌木 腰果 cashew | 灌木 生韭蔥 raw shallots

3. 腰果树:cashew 腰果 | cashew 腰果树 | cashier'scheque 本票

4. 腰果树, 腰果:cashew resin || 漆酚树脂 | cashew || 腰果树, 腰果 | cashflow || 现金流转

cashew 词典解释

1. 腰果
    A cashew or a cashew nut is a curved nut that you can eat.

cashew 单语例句

1. cashew在线翻译

1. Cashew lost significant market share in 2011 due to high prices and reduced availability.

2. We spotted iguanas that looked like small alligators and learned about cashew trees.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. He is applying for patents on wine made from cashew apples and blackberries.

cashew 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. kidney-shaped nut edible only when roasted

    Synonym: cashew nut

2. tropical American evergreen tree bearing kidney-shaped nuts that are edible only when roasted

    Synonym: cashew tree Anacardium occidentale