1. 铸钢:铸钢 铸钢(cast steel) 用以浇注铸件的钢. 铸造合金的一种. 铸钢分为铸造碳钢、铸造低合金钢和铸造特种钢
2. 生钢;铸钢:生胶浆 rubber cement | 生钢;铸钢 cast steel | 生铁;铸铁 cast iron
3. 坩埚钢,铸钢:hard steel硬钢 | cast steel坩埚钢,铸钢 | stainless steel不锈钢
4. 铸钢件:Cast Stainless Steel 铸造不锈钢 | Cast Steel 铸钢件 | Cast Steel Plate 铸钢板
1. The huge wall artwork is carved in timber and cast in resin and steel.
2. A Panamanian cargo ship carrying steel bars hit the fishermen's boat, which had cast anchor about 80 nautical miles east of the Yangtze River mouth.