
caster ['kɑ:stə(r)]  [ˈkæstɚ] 


caster 基本解释


caster 相关例句


1. Suddenly a caster hit him on his head.

2. The list includes a furniture caster, a biscuit cutter, and a crystal vase.

3. The silver plated casters on the dining table caught her attention.

4. My brother has been a caster all his life.

caster 网络解释


1. 後傾:如图3-2所示,主销后倾(Caster)是指主销装在前轴,上端略向后倾斜的角度. 它使车辆转弯时产生的离心力所形成的力矩方向与车轮偏转方向相反,迫使车轮偏转后自动恢复到原来的中间位置上. 由此,主销后倾角越大,车速越高,前轮稳定性也愈好.

2. 後傾角:可对汽车的主要四轮定位参数,包括外倾角(Camber),后倾角,(Caster),前束(Toe-in),内倾角(SAI)等进行测量和调整. 1下一篇文章 四轮定位仪用于测试汽车的车轮定位参数,并与原厂的设计参数进行对比,指导使用者对车轮定位参数进行相应的调整,

caster 词典解释

1. -> see castor

caster 单语例句

1. caster

1. Caster has been featured in cities around the world at various art events.

2. caster的意思

2. After the roller caster ride last year, the economic environment is looking brighter for Hong Kong in 2010.

caster 英英释义



1. a pivoting roller attached to the bottom of furniture or trucks or portable machines to make them movable

    Synonym: castor

2. a shaker with a perforated top for sprinkling powdered sugar

    Synonym: castor

3. a worker who casts molten metal into finished products