1. 阴极:阴极: (Cathode) 发生氧化作用的极称为阳极. 阳极: (Anode) 在原电池中,阴极是正极;在电解池中,阴极是负极. 把离子B所运载的电流与总电流之比称为离子B的迁移数(transfer number)用符号 表示. 从大量实验事实看出,
2. 负极:图8是1/8矩阵(matrix)驱动技术的动作原理,图中的A1,2----8为正极(anode),C1,2----8为负极(cathode),每个正极透过8 x 8矩阵多层导线,连接至各自间隔8dot的8个LED,负极则连接至已经接线的8dot LED.
3. 阳极 anode 阴极:在此,燃料(Fuel)电池(Cell)是电池的一种,使用的燃料是氢气与氧气,利用阳极(Anode),阴极(Cathode)、催化板(Catalyst)及电解膜(Electrolyte)等构造装置,使氢气由阳极进入,通过催化板,分裂成氢原子与电子,电力即由此电子的流动而产生,
4. 阴极,负极:anode 阳极,正极 | cathode 阴极,负极 | electropositive 电阳性的,电正性的
1. (电池等的)阴极,负极
A cathode is the negative electrode in a cell such as a battery.
1. An external jolt of electricity helps generate hydrogen gas at the cathode.
2. cathode在线翻译
2. Premiums paid for imported copper cathode also improved toward the end of June, it added.
3. The electrons flow from the anode through a wire to the cathode producing an electric current.
4. CAMC also imported a set of automated painting equipments from France, which employs the cathode electrophoresis technique for plating the whole bodywork and frame.
1. a negatively charged electrode that is the source of electrons entering an electrical device
2. the positively charged terminal of a voltaic cell or storage battery that supplies current