名词菜花; [植]花椰菜
1. 白花菜:[quote]原帖由 [i]Cherish[/i] 于 2009-11-26 17:15 发表 有的,有椰菜,西兰花,白花菜(cauliflower)等,但这些我觉得煑过才好吃. 有的,有椰菜,西兰花,白花菜(cauliflower)等,但这些我觉得煑过才好吃.
2. 菜花:这家公司,已经生产了大约100000吨的脱水洋葱,这是它脱水数量最多的蔬菜,现在又开始着手进行以下一些蔬菜脱水的试生产工作,例如: 脱水青蒜或韭葱(leeks)、花茎甘蓝(broccoli)、菜花(cauliflower)以及包心菜(cabbage)等,以供应出口市场.
3. 花椰菜:花椰菜类 花椰菜 (cauliflower) ) 花椰菜是十字花科芸薹属甘蓝种, 由甘蓝演化而来, 又称白花菜,原产 于欧洲. 花椰菜风味鲜美,粗纤维少,营养 价值高, 花椰菜能提高人体免疫功能,促进肝脏解毒,增强人的体质和 抗病能力.含有的硒能够抑制癌细胞.
4. 花菜:因此你可以在第二年种植蔬菜前种一些草,供冬天覆盖菜地用. 第三块地最好种一些喜欢酸性土壤的蔬菜如西红柿,柿子椒(灯笼椒),辣椒和茄子. 最后一块地则可以种各种豆类蔬菜和卷心蔬菜如包心菜,西兰花(broccoli),花菜(cauliflower)等.
1. 花椰菜;菜花
Cauliflower is a large round vegetable that has a hard white centre surrounded by green leaves.
1. The starter with the light textured cream of cauliflower and goat cheese by all means presented a tingling sensation.
2. What resonates there resonates here, as the case of " Sweet Cauliflower Mother " emphasizes.
3. Add cauliflower florets and then add just enough water to soften the vegetables.
4. The eatery offers seared abalone with crispy suckling pig and cauliflower paste.
5. These are my favorites - the potato and cauliflower curry they call aloo gobi, and the peas and mushrooms curry that is so mild yet so aromatic.
6. Cauliflower soup is warming with the addition of bacon chantilly, while the gruyere beignet is a novel experience for most Chinese people.
1. compact head of white undeveloped flowers
2. a plant having a large edible head of crowded white flower buds
Synonym: Brassica oleracea botrytis