cause and effect

cause and effect [kɔ:z ænd iˈfekt]  [kɔz ənd ɪˈfɛkt] 

cause and effect 基本解释

cause and effect的解释

因果; 来龙去脉

cause and effect 网络解释

1. 因果:对专题文章而言,正文部分一般有一个合适的格式(format),主要有下面几种:因果(cause and effect):探讨事件的起因(reason)与结果(result). 分类(classification):分组(be grouped)来帮助理解.

2. 原因和结果:杜威把人看作一个生物,把人的经验看作生物应付环境的种种行动,并将自然界的施受作用分为三个等级:第一级是无生物级:以原因和结果(Cause and effect)来表明事物的交互作用.

3. 原因与结果:针对主题思想作推断时,其解题的主要依据是文章的主题思想,然后再分析句子之间的逻辑关系,区分观点与例证(opinion and fact)、原因与结果(cause and effect)、主观点与次观点(main idea and supporting idea)

4. 因果关系:展开的方式包括:举例(example),比较(comparison),对比(contrast),因果关系(cause and effect),变化过程(process)和下定义(definition)等,可以根据需要任选一种或综合若干种方式,要确定与题目及主题句都有关系,有时还与首段的段尾句有关系.

cause and effect 单语例句

1. Doctors warn that DEHP can cause male fertility problems and induce female precocious puberty, and that experiments on animals have demonstrated a carcinogenic effect.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Second, fixed asset investments and imports are each other's cause and effect.

3. The concomitant presence of other illnesses further complicates the ability to delineate cause and effect.

4. Because the study only observed women on the pill compared with those who weren't, researchers weren't able to make any hypotheses about cause and effect.

5. Perhaps we should demonstrate more patience and allow more time for a thorough and reliable conclusion about the cause and effect of the accident.

6. cause and effect的反义词

6. The The link between smoking and lung cancer is one of'direct cause and effect', a special report by the Medical Research Council has found.

7. cause and effect的翻译

7. A significant analysis danger comes about when people confuse cause and effect.

8. The cause and potential effect of the reading was not fully understood, according to the release.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Its ripple effect will cause aggressive cuts in business capes and employment, resulting in weaker domestic demand.