caustic soda

caustic soda[ˈkɔ:stɪk ˈsəudə] 

caustic soda 基本解释

苛性钠; 火碱

caustic soda 网络解释

1. 烧碱:商务部驻印度使馆经商处从印度财政部保障措施局获悉,该局已于8月20日对进口烧碱(Caustic Soda)发起一般保障措施调查,并要求利害关系方在立案后30日内提交评论意见.

2. 苛性钠:至于提炼方法,古德曼说,只须滤掉废油中的甘油(glycerol)成分,然后加入甲醇(methanol)和苛性钠(caustic soda)就可以了. 不过,美国乡村歌手纳尔逊(Willie Nelson)仍对生物柴油赞赏有加. 这名73岁的音乐人甚至推出了本身品牌的生物燃油,

3. 氢氧化钠:据驻印度经商参处子站消息,我处今日从印度财政部保障措施局获悉,该局于10月15日发布了对进口氢氧化钠(Caustic Soda)一般保障措施调查初裁,建议对进口产品征收20%从价税.

4. 苛性钠、氢氧化钠:caustic probe 腐蚀药探针 | caustic soda 苛性钠、氢氧化钠 | cauter 烙器、烧灼器

caustic soda 词典解释

1. (用来制作强力肥皂的)烧碱,苛性钠
    Caustic soda is a powerful chemical substance used to make strong soaps and clean drains.

caustic soda 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. He also ordered hundreds of bodies to be dissolved in caustic soda, officials said.

2. A college student has been detained for pouring a mixture of sulfuric acid and caustic soda over a rare species of bears in Beijing Zoo.

3. Police used squirt guns to dilute the smoke, while sealing the chloride tanker in water mixed with caustic soda.

4. The caustic soda is expected to reach 1 million tons, and polyvinyl chloride resin 1 million tons.

5. The water caused a bag of caustic soda lying inside to blow up, injuring the men.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. The report said 60 percent of the bun's ingredients were chopped cardboard that had been soaked in caustic soda.

caustic soda 英英释义

caustic soda的近义词


1. a strongly alkaline caustic used in manufacturing soap and paper and aluminum and various sodium compounds

    Synonym: sodium hydroxide