
caution [ˈkɔ:ʃn]  [ˈkɔʃən] 





caution 基本解释

名词警告; 小心; 〈英〉担保; 〈口〉须警惕的事或人

及物动词警告; 提醒

caution 相关词组


1. fling caution to the winds : 不顾一切;

caution 相关例句



1. We were cautioned not to make a lot of noise after ten in the evening.

2. The policeman cautioned me for parking here.

3. The dean cautioned him against being late.


1. The policeman let the driver off with a caution.

2. Dad always drives with caution.

caution 网络解释

1. 警告:小心提前(pre)警告(caution)即为预防肋骨(rib)上(on)绑着白(b)丝带把米(mi)送给女孩(gr)吃(ate)的是移居者作者(author)是(is)已经(e)得到授权的作者(author)它(it)为何(y)有官方的权利黄金(au)随后(then)变成十张(t)IC卡(ic),

2. 小心:必须小心(caution)用药,特别是对阿司匹林有反应的病人. 全剂量75至150mg,分成几次,随食物或抗酸药物服用,以减少胃肠不适、胃肠出血、后头痛、眩晕等反应.

3. 告诫:处理这些案件的主要方法是实施正式的警告(warning)或警察的告诫(caution),所谓告诫,是指由已经供认犯了可以起诉罪行的犯罪者的监督者或上级官员作出的正式警告.

caution 词典解释

1. 谨慎;慎重
    Caution is great care which you take in order to avoid possible danger.

    e.g. Extreme caution should be exercised when buying part-worn tyres...
    e.g. The Chancellor is a man of caution.

2. 提醒;告诫;警告
    If someone cautions you, they warn you about problems or danger.

    e.g. Tony cautioned against misrepresenting the situation...
    e.g. The statement clearly was intended to caution Seoul against attempting to block the council's action again...

3. 受到(警方)正式警告
    If someone who has broken the law is cautioned by the police, they are warned that if they break the law again official action will be taken against them.

    e.g. The two men were cautioned but police say they will not be charged...
    e.g. Tapp was eventually cautioned for wasting police time.

4. 向…告知其法律权利(即嫌疑人所说的任何话都可能成为呈堂证据)
    If someone who has been arrested is cautioned, the police warn them that anything they say may be used as evidence in a trial.

    e.g. Nobody was cautioned after arrest.

5. 把理智抛至脑后;鲁莽行事;恣意妄为
    If you throw caution to the wind, you behave in a way that is not considered sensible or careful.

    e.g. I threw caution to the wind and rode as fast as I could.

6. to err on the side of caution -> see err

caution 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Individuals should not buy medicines to prevent or fight this new influenza without a prescription, and they should exercise caution in buying antivirals over the Internet.


2. The experts caution coffee drinkers not to consume too much caffeine because three or four hours later the coffee drinker can experience a low.

3. Caution and further research on growing and eating GM foods can never be too much.

4. Although the Canton Fair witnessed a modest increase in orders from new and emerging markets, the overall atmosphere was one of extreme caution.

5. caution的解释

5. The chart activity often sends a warning of caution long before the nature of the danger is fully revealed to the market.


6. Zhang also called for more caution while taking economic and financial measures, in case such measures could harm normal financial activities.

7. Zhang also called for more caution while taking economic and financial measures, in case such measures harm normal financial activities.

8. " Lust " is " sensibility " while " caution " is " sense ".

9. With the shadow of this recent history still over us, we should exercise utmost caution before sanctioning decisions to remove any disabled woman's reproductive rights.

10. caution的意思

10. His critics portrayed him as an uncompromising and hotheaded conservative who shut out or retaliated against any voices of caution or dissent.

caution 英英释义



1. the trait of being cautious
    being attentive to possible danger

    e.g. a man of caution

    Synonym: cautiousness carefulness

2. the trait of being circumspect and prudent

    Synonym: circumspection

3. judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger

    e.g. he exercised caution in opening the door
           he handled the vase with care

    Synonym: precaution care forethought

4. a warning against certain acts

    e.g. a caveat against unfair practices

    Synonym: caveat


1. warn strongly
    put on guard

    Synonym: admonish monish