
cavalry [ˈkævlri]  [ˈkævəlri] 


cavalry 基本解释


名词骑兵(队); 骑兵部队,装甲部队; 骑者

cavalry 相关例句



1. He was an officer in the cavalry.

cavalry 网络解释


1. 骑兵:1860年,恩格斯给<<美国新百科全书>>写军事方面的词条,其中就有<<军队>>(Army)、<<炮兵>>(Artillery)、<<骑兵>>(Cavalry)、<<步兵>>(Infantry)和<<海军>>(Navy),见<<马克思恩格斯全集>>中文版第14卷(北京:人民出版社,1964年),

2. 无敌:NoTerrainSound:关掉自然声音 | Cavalry--无敌 | Invincibility--无敌

3. 起兵部队:cavalier骑士 | cavalry起兵部队 | ichthyologist鱼类学家

4. (总称)骑兵,高度机动的部队:captain上尉 | cavalry(总称)骑兵,高度机动的部队 | chairman of the joint chiefs of staff(美)三军参谋长联席会议主席

cavalry 词典解释

1. 装甲部队
    The cavalry is the part of an army that uses armoured vehicles for fighting.

    e.g. The Cavalry were exercising on Salisbury Plain.
    e.g. ...the US Army's 1st Cavalry Division.

2. 骑兵
    The cavalry is the group of soldiers in an army who ride horses.

    e.g. ...a young cavalry officer.

cavalry 单语例句

1. cavalry的翻译

1. The Red Army had some Ma cavalry of the KMT harassing the rear.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The story adds that the cavalry cooked the trusted steeds using their breastplates as cooking pans.

3. For some Chinese trade companies reeling as their export markets wither in the financial crisis, the Seventh Cavalry has arrived in the shape of the home market.

4. The procession was led by a military band and hundreds of soldiers and cavalry men on horseback.

5. The dough was formed into the shape of a stirrup to commemorate a celebrated cavalry charge.

6. The story goes that a young French cavalry officer was sent on horseback to deliver a message.

7. It's up to my Plastic Beach naval cavalry to sail in and sort the battlefield out.

8. Military officials at the Seventh Armored Cavalry's base near here said they could not confirm the villagers'account.

9. Only two cavalry battalions are retained for shooting film and television dramas.

10. A subsequent request to speak to an officer of the Seventh Cavalry drew no response.

cavalry 英英释义


1. a highly mobile army unit

2. troops trained to fight on horseback

    e.g. 500 horse led the attack

    Synonym: horse cavalry horse