cease to be

cease to be [si:s tu: bi:]  [sis tu bi] 

cease to be 基本解释
cease to be 网络解释

cease to be的翻译

1. 不再是:cease v. 停止,终了 | cease to be../不再是.. | cease fire!/停火 博学在线_职称英语考试

2. 不复为:Cease Fire Commission;停火委员会;CFC; | cease to be;不复为;; | cease to be effective;失效;;

3. 不再是来源:博学在线:cease v. 停止,终了 | cease to be../不再是来源:博学在线 | cease fire!/停火

4. 不再是来源:考试大:cease v. 停止,终了 | cease to be../不再是来源:考试大 | cease fire!/停火

cease to be 单语例句

1. The psychiatrist also testified that it cannot be determined when and where Chan will cease to be a dangerous person.

2. Then medical bills will cease to be a burden on ordinary people.

3. Following first completion, the CBL companies and Jilin Bottler will cease to be subsidiaries of the Company.

4. Hopefully, travelling by train in years to come will cease to be such an exhausting ordeal.

5. Pop stars cease to be pop stars at 40 and start being old people singing, don't they?

6. Once US forces cease to be in command, tribal militants and warlords are likely to stage a comeback.

7. But once we consider the amount of gold that can be bought, it would cease to be a realistic option.

8. cease to be的反义词

8. Khamenei said last week that Israel would one day be returned to the Palestinian nation and cease to exist.

9. The NDRC ordered construction to cease on projects already begun and already built facilities to be dismantled.