1. 独身者:81. celebrity: 知名人士. | 82. celibate: 独身者. | 83. centurion: 古罗马的百人队长.
2. 独身:灵柩、棺木、棺材casket | 独身celibate | 布道homily
3. 独身生活的人;独身的:celibatarian独身主义者,独身者的 | celibate独身生活的人;独身的 | child孩子
1. (因宗教信仰)禁欲的,独身的
Someone who is celibate does not marry or have sex, because of their religious beliefs.
e.g. The Pope bluntly told the world's priests yesterday to stay celibate.
2. (特定时期)禁欲的,节制性欲的
Someone who is celibate does not have sex during a particular period of their life.
e.g. I was celibate for two years.
1. The Roman Catholic Church insists priests remain celibate and has ruled out letting them marry.
2. Peter - who pledged to remain celibate until his divorce was finalised - is now looking forward to dating other women.
3. From celibate Taoist priests offering celestial sacrifices to young couples praying for a child, countless climbers have consecrated this holy peak throughout Chinese civilization.
1. an unmarried person who has taken a religious vow of chastity