
cellophane ['seləfeɪn]  [ˈsɛləˌfen] 

cellophane 基本解释


cellophane 网络解释

1. 玻璃纸:营销史上最著名的自杀案例是阿斯匹林(Aspirin)被法庭裁决为普通名称;其它的案例如:自动扶梯(Escalator),玻璃纸(Cellophane),烧瓶(Thermos),漆布(Linoleum),溜溜球(Yo-Yo)和玉米片(Cornflakes).

2. 赛璐玢:玻璃纸是一种叫赛璐玢(cellophane)的透明纤维素薄膜,是最早能在市场上买到的透明薄膜,刚包好邮票感觉很不错,但它的缺点是吸潮和易老化. 如你包封时天气较潮,等到天气干燥时,薄膜收缩,尺寸变短,邮票就会起皱;严重吸潮后,

3. 玻璃纸;胶膜:Cell cover 电池盖 | Cellophane 玻璃纸;胶膜 | Cement 水泥;黏结剂

4. 玻璃纸,透明纸,赛璐玢:cellona 纤维素石膏绷带 | cellophane 玻璃纸,透明纸,赛璐玢 | cellophane paper 玻璃纸,透明纸

cellophane 词典解释

1. (包装用的)玻璃纸;赛璐玢
    Cellophane is a thin, transparent material that is used to wrap things.

    e.g. She tore off the cellophane, pulled out a cigarette, and lit it.
    e.g. ...a cellophane wrapper.

cellophane 单语例句

1. Cellophane is wrapped over the prisoner's face and water is poured over him.

2. Such incidents happened in recent years, with the " Jinhua ham incident " and " Longkou cellophane noodles incident " as good examples.

3. cellophane

3. Our therapist worked quickly to get us painted in the rich chocolate, then wrapped in a sheet of cellophane and zipped up warmly under the heated blanket.

cellophane 英英释义



1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. a transparent paperlike product that is impervious to moisture and used to wrap candy or cigarettes etc.