
cement [sɪˈment]  [sɪˈmɛnt] 





cement 基本解释


名词水泥; 胶合剂; 胶接剂; 粘固粉

及物动词巩固; 粘牢; (用水泥、胶等)粘结; 在…上抹水泥

cement 相关例句



1. Our object is to further cement trade relations.

2. The snow on the ground gradually cemented as the night fell.

3. He got the broken bowl cemented.


1. Snow is cementing.


1. The cement has already set.

cement 网络解释


1. 牙骨质:应果断及时做根管治疗(Root Canal Therapy)以免后患.有很多人在牙齿的颈部(近牙齦处)表面出现楔状缺损,只有少部分人是刷牙方法不正确, 采用大力横刷, 而牙颈部这个区域是属于冠面上的釉质(Enamel)和根面的牙骨质(Cement)相连接的地方,容易受摩擦而形成缺损;

2. 白垩质:是由齿质(dentine)、釉质(珐琅质)(enemel)和齿骨质(白垩质)(cement)所构成(图20-17). 齿质内有髓腔,充有结缔组织、血管和神经,供应牙齿所需营养. 釉质是体内最坚硬的部分,覆盖于齿冠部分. 齿骨质覆于齿根外周,与颌骨的齿槽相联合,

cement 词典解释

1. 水泥
    Cement is a grey powder which is mixed with sand and water in order to make concrete.

    e.g. ...a mixture of wet sand and cement.

2. cement在线翻译

2. 同 concrete
    Cement is the same as concrete .

    e.g. ...the hard cold cement floor.

3. cement的意思

3. 胶接剂;接合剂
    Glue that is made for sticking particular substances together is sometimes called cement .

    e.g. Stick the pieces on with tile cement.

4. cement

4. 巩固;加强
    Something that cements a relationship or agreement makes it stronger.

    e.g. Nothing cements a friendship between countries so much as trade.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 起巩固作用的因素;加强剂;纽带
    The cement of a relationship or agreement is something that makes it stronger and more long-lasting.

    e.g. ...the power of the party, once the cement that held the Soviet Union together...
    e.g. In the old days, television was the cement of society.

6. 把…黏合;使黏结
    If things are cemented together, they are stuck or fastened together.

    e.g. Most artificial joints are cemented into place.

cement 单语例句

1. Sinoma is known for its patented technology in the production of cement, called the " new dry process ".

2. We will cement and develop bilateral and multilateral economic relations with other countries and take an active part in regional economic cooperation.

3. cement的近义词

3. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said this would cut the cement industry's annual production capacity by 107 million tons.

4. Hony Capital also invested in a machinery manufacturer and bought a cement equipment firm in Italy to turn it around.

5. The standards for carbon dioxide emissions in the cement production sector were also presently being decided.

6. cement的反义词

6. By getting rid of outdated capacity and smartly reducing the actual production volume, cement can be sold at a better price.

7. Yet cement makers expressed doubts over the actual impact of the subsidies on their bottom line.

8. Gravestones were cast in cement and we built electric chairs from scrap wood.

9. Zhongcheng Cement Factory in Huaibei is one of the 506 enterprises concerned.

10. Both peoples should never forget what happened during that dark period of history, not to ferment hostility but to cement a friendship that will endure.

cement 英英释义


1. cement

1. a specialized bony substance covering the root of a tooth

    Synonym: cementum

2. something that hardens to act as adhesive material

3. a building material that is a powder made of a mixture of calcined limestone and clay
    used with water and sand or gravel to make concrete and mortar

4. concrete pavement is sometimes referred to as cement

    e.g. they stood on the grey cement beside the pool

5. cement是什么意思

5. any of various materials used by dentists to fill cavities in teeth


1. make fast as if with cement

    e.g. We cemented our friendship

2. bind or join with or as if with cement

3. cover or coat with cement