
censor [ˈsensə(r)]  ['sensər] 







censor 基本解释


名词监察官,检查员; (牛津大学等的)学监; [心理]潜意识压抑力; [心]抑制性潜意识

及物动词审查,检查; 审查(书刊等); 检查(信件等); 删改

censor 网络解释

1. 审查官:在担任审查官(censor)期间,他利用手中的权柄推动制定反希腊文化的法令,阻止亲希腊的人物涉足政坛,竭力维护罗马传统的纯洁. 后一派主要团结在斯基皮奥家族周围. 以击败迦太基将领汉尼拔(Hannibal,

censor 词典解释

1. 审查,检查(书信或媒体)
    If someone in authority censors letters or the media, they officially examine them and cut out any information that is regarded as secret.

    e.g. The military-backed government has heavily censored the news.

2. (书信或媒体的)审查官,监察员
    A censor is a person who has been officially appointed to examine letters or the media and to cut out any parts that are regarded as secret.

    e.g. The report was cleared by the American military censors.

3. 审查,检查(书刊、戏剧或电影等)
    If someone in authority censors a book, play, or film, they officially examine it and cut out any parts that are considered to be immoral or inappropriate.

    e.g. The Late Show censored the band's live version of 'Bullet In The Head'...
    e.g. ITV companies tend to censor bad language in feature films.

4. (书刊、戏剧或电影)审查官,检查员
    A censor is a person who has been officially appointed to examine plays, films, and books and to cut out any parts that are considered to be immoral.

    e.g. ...the British Board of Film Censors.

censor 单语例句

1. But that doesn't mean the mainland censor's decision is harsh.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. The mobile censor system in China operates on picking out sensitive words that might indicate to the computer that the message is a dirty joke.

3. The proposed rules also urge Internet companies to voluntarily censor their material, and unearth Internet copyright infringement caused by the Internet users themselves.

4. China's regulation to censor the content that Google provides to Chinese Internet users has been interpreted as a breach to freedom in the virtual world.

5. But after years of courting controversy - and earning millions in the process - the company has finally fallen foul of the censor.

6. ICRC rules limit prisoners to discussing only personal matters in their correspondence, and the letters from Saddam go through a US censor.

7. censor是什么意思

7. Some companies said they do not censor messages and will distribute information about drugs so long as they are paid enough.

8. Ever since 2002, his own country has been enforcing two Federal laws intended to censor offensive online content.

9. The Chinese censor recently cleared an internationally acclaimed movie shot in Beijing four years ago for public screening in China.

10. The centralization of censor powers in the SARFT and the lack of proper regulations are hampering the film industry's healthy development.

censor 英英释义



1. a person who is authorized to read publications or correspondence or to watch theatrical performances and suppress in whole or in part anything considered obscene or politically unacceptable

2. someone who censures or condemns


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. subject to political, religious, or moral censorship

    e.g. This magazine is censored by the government

2. censor

2. forbid the public distribution of ( a movie or a newspaper)

    Synonym: ban