1. 离心式:风扇可以分为离心式(centrifugal)与轴流(axial)两种. 离心式空气调节系统依据其作用方式可分为定风量系统(CAV)与变风量系统(VAV)等两种. 在定风量系统中,空气流动之速度一定,暖气与冷气系统可分为中央式(central)与单机式(unitary)等升级暖气系统时需要采取整体考量,
2. 离心力:当高温高压空气经过中冷器时,冷却水或冷空气作为热交换媒介有效的降低了压缩空气的温度,离心力(Centrifugal)式增压使用的是一个类似涡轮的装置,其轮叶能够在很短的时间内以高达50000至60000RPM的转速将空气压缩.
1. The Root Cyclone technology in Dyson vacuum cleaners separates dirt and dust from the air by centrifugal force and collecting it in a bin.
2. Spencer makes special blowers and gas boosters including multistage centrifugal blowers, single stage centrifugal blowers and gas boosters.
1. tending to move away from a center
e.g. centrifugal force
2. conveying information to the muscles from the CNS
e.g. motor nerves
Synonym: motor(a)
3. tending away from centralization, as of authority
e.g. the division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever-increasing centrifugal stress