certainly will

certainly will

certainly will 单语例句

1. If the " Steel Roses " cannot go to London, it will certainly be a heavy blow.

2. If capital and demand are restrained in all aspects, the development will be certainly slow.

3. certainly will

3. If push comes to shove we will certainly not stand idly by in catatonic stupor and ignominiously let Taiwan drift away from the motherland.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. Stopping or massively reducing US Treasury bond purchases will certainly bring losses to China to a certain degree.

5. Developing countries like China and India certainly will play an important role in the global effort to avoid an energy crisis and slow climate change.

6. They certainly have enough firepower to trouble a Liverpool team which will be without injured star striker Fernando Torres.

7. China and India will almost certainly work together closely in addressing how we reach fair outcomes on these challenges.

8. The actions that some local governments have now taken to reduce the frequency of use of their cars will certainly help.

9. This will not affect China's overall employment level and it will certainly help reduce resources consumption and improve protection to the environment.

10. This will certainly be conducive to avoiding confusion and misunderstanding and will make things easier for foreigners who come and stay legally.