
chaff [tʃɑ:f]  [tʃæf] 

chaff 基本解释


名词谷壳; 逗弄; 切碎的干草或稻草; 无价值的东西


chaff 相关词组


1. be caught with chaff : 上当, 受骗;

chaff 相关例句



1. The boys chaffed the French boy about his mistakes in speaking English.


1. I didn't mind their chaff.

2. The neighbors' suspicions were chaff of the lowest sort based on gossip.

chaff 网络解释

1. 干扰丝:是给予对方雷达错误的位置,使其无法锁定或锁定错误的位置,F-22的飞行员在雷达警告接收器(RWRRadar Warning Receiver)感到锁定讯号时可以开启ECM来干扰对方飞弹的锁定,在飞弹对F-22具有威胁时,还能发射雷达干扰丝(Chaff)或火球(Flare

2. 箔条:cesium phototube 铯光电管 | chaff 箔条 | chain 电路

3. 谷壳:chafer 金龟子 | chaff 谷壳 | chaff-cutter 切草机

4. 谷壳 糠:slag 矿渣 炉渣火山岩渣 | chaff 谷壳 糠 | file 锉刀

chaff 词典解释

1. 谷糠;麸皮
    Chaff is the outer part of grain such as wheat. It is removed before the grain is used as food.

2. 分清良莠;去芜存菁
    If you separate the wheat from the chaff or sort the wheat from the chaff, you decide which people or things in a group are good or important and which are not.

    e.g. It isn't always easy to separate the wheat from the chaff.

chaff 单语例句

1. It is also a student's job to sift chaff from wheat.

2. The Hebei government has also sent an inspection team to stop farmers from burning the chaff after Beijing was chocked.

3. chaff什么意思

3. More than 700 million tons of stalk and chaff are left over from harvest every year.

chaff 英英释义


1. chaff

1. foil in thin strips
    ejected into the air as a radar countermeasure

2. material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds

    Synonym: husk shuck stalk straw stubble


1. be silly or tease one another

    e.g. After we relaxed, we just kidded around

    Synonym: kid jolly josh banter