1. 电锯:攻击范围:外属性:断肢(8)板球棒(CricketBat)进攻击距离:0.8秒进攻击范围:外属性:打让(10)铁橇(Crowbar)进攻击距离:0.8秒进攻击范围:外属性:断肢(11)电锯(Chainsaw)进攻击距离:0.1秒进攻击范围:外属性:断肢电锯的功用十分完佳,
2. 链锯(电锯):scythe 镰刀(挺大个的) | chainsaw 链锯(电锯) | aztec clock 阿兹台克钟(太阳的样子没有指针)
3. 电锯,装备后还有面具. . . 汗:STICK BOMBS- 该怎么翻译涅?? | CHAINSAW- 电锯,装备后还有面具. . . 汗! | MOUSE TRAPS- 老鼠夹,顾名思义
1. One was about a fight between a stepson and his stepfather, and involved throwing of hammers and attacks with a chainsaw.
2. chainsaw的近义词
2. But his neighbours complain as the sounds of the chainsaw become too loud.
1. portable power saw
teeth linked to form an endless chain
Synonym: chain saw