
chamber [ˈtʃeɪmbə(r)]  [ˈtʃembɚ] 



chamber 基本解释

名词室,卧室,会客室; 内庭; [多用于英国]律师的办公室; 议事厅

及物动词限制,幽禁,封闭或限制; 使备有房间

chamber 相关例句



1. The king retired to his chamber.

2. The Senate chamber has a gallery for guests.

3. A bird's heart has three chambers.

4. The Senate is the upper chamber of Congress.

chamber 网络解释


1. 室:目前我们拥有林口、新店及新竹等三所专业测试实验室,以及电磁波无响室(CHAMBER). 此外,我们的苏州实验室已於2006年1月正式对外开展营运,可就地提供台湾及中国大陆各大科技厂商於海内外行销前的产品测试服务,

2. 箱:电池连续动作可达1年之久. ...最适合於环境温度箱(Chamber)的校正与监控. ...可选购TR-1C30(300公分)延长测温棒的长度.

3. 反应室:答:作为清洁反应室(Chamber)用之化学气体答:有不锈钢制(Stainless Steal),黄铜制(Brass),塑胶制(PVC),特氟隆制(Teflon)四种.答:降低反应室(Chamber)内的气体密度和压力答:是在蚀刻室的清净或更换零件后,为要稳定制程条件,

chamber 词典解释

1. 大房间;(尤指)大会议室
    A chamber is a large room, especially one that is used for formal meetings.

    e.g. We are going to make sure we are in the council chamber every time he speaks.

2. chamber

2. 议会;议院
    You can refer to a country's parliament or to one section of it as a chamber .

    e.g. More than 80 parties are contesting seats in the two-chamber parliament...
    e.g. Signor Amato's government has only a 16-seat majority in the Chamber of Deputies.

3. (作特殊用途的)房间
    A chamber is a room designed and equipped for a particular purpose.

    e.g. For many, the dentist's surgery remains a torture chamber.

4. (人体、动植物体内的)腔,室
    A chamber is a hollow place inside the body of a person or animal, or inside a plant.

5. (法官)办公室;(律师)事务所
    The offices used by judges and barristers are referred to as chambers.

chamber 单语例句

1. Oslo Chamber of Commerce is an independent business organization that offers extensive assistance to both local and foreign companies.

2. BICO was founded as an intercultural project in 2007 and is one of the most active chamber orchestras in Asia.

3. The chamber's negative tone came prior to Wednesday's meeting with the Provisional Commission on Minimum Wage.

4. It is like a chamber edition of Out of Africa, with equally captivating performances in the lead roles.

5. The carcass was found and collected on October 15 at the refuse collection chamber in Sham Shui Po Park.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. Senator Ben Cardin expressed hope for a more functional and harmonious chamber.

7. chamber的解释

7. The combination of flute, guitar and cello in a chamber concert is uncommon.

8. It has been a year since Anthony Wu became the chairman of Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. Two men with guns and knives broke into the apartment of Chen Gang, vice chairman of Jiujiang's Fujian Chamber of Commerce Tuesday evening.

10. The final stage of taking suggestions was held during the first China Beauty and Cosmetic Chamber Chairperson Forum in Shenzhen on Saturday.

chamber 英英释义



1. a room used primarily for sleeping

    Synonym: bedroom sleeping room sleeping accommodation bedchamber

2. chamber什么意思

2. a natural or artificial enclosed space


3. a room where a judge transacts business

4. an enclosed volume in the body

    e.g. the chambers of his heart were healthy

5. a deliberative or legislative or administrative or judicial assembly

    e.g. the upper chamber is the senate


1. chamber是什么意思

1. place in a chamber