
champac ['tʃæmpæk]  ['tʃæmpæk] 

champac 基本解释

名词黄兰(产于东印度); 黄蓝

champac 网络解释

1. 金香木:金香木(champac) 生活家配图草坪的中央有一个黑色的大理石台,成堆的黄兰花瓣(champac)散落地撒放在台面上,应该是来悼念的游客特意留下的吧,...

2. 黄兰:champ 使劲嚼 | champac 黄兰 | champagne 香槟酒

3. 黄兰 (产于东印度):champ || (指马) 使劲地嚼, 焦急 | champac || 黄兰 (产于东印度) | champagne bottle || 香槟酒瓶, 凹底很深的酒瓶

champac 双语例句

1. When after your bath, with wet hair spread on your shoulders, you walked through the shadow of the champac tree to the little court where you say your prayers, you would notice the scent of the flower, but not know that it came from me.