
characterize [ˈkærəktəraɪz]  [ˈkærəktəˌraɪz] 





characterize 基本解释


及物动词描述(人或物)的特性; 具有…的特征


characterize 相关例句



1. The author characterizes the central figure as a weakling.

2. A mister is characterized by greed.

3. This kind of behaviour characterizes the criminal mind.

characterize 网络解释


1. 特性化:智能变送器与普通模拟变送器工作的不同之处最主要是在于智能变送器是被特性化(Characterize)了的. 进行特性化程序时,将变送器传感器的输出值与输入压力值进行比较,并将比较数据存入变送器的E2PROM中,变送器在工作时,则利用这些数据,

2. 以......为特色:censor 审查 | characterize 以......为特色 | charge 收费

3. 以. . . 为特色的:Attach 赋予粘上 | Characterize 以. . . 为特色的 | Charge 收费

4. 特性化;特征化:characterization parameter 特征化参数,特性参数 | characterize 特性化;特征化 | charcoal 木炭

characterize 词典解释
in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 characterise


1. 使具有特点
    If something is characterized by a particular feature or quality, that feature or quality is an obvious part of it.

    e.g. This election campaign has been characterized by violence...
    e.g. A bold use of colour characterizes the bedroom.

2. 描绘;描述
    If you characterize someone or something as a particular thing, you describe them as that thing.

    e.g. Both companies have characterized the relationship as friendly...
    e.g. This play is characterized as a comedy.

I don't fully agree with that characterization of the welfare system.
characterize 单语例句

1. characterize的反义词

1. " I would characterize this as a growing crisis on Kauai, " Teixeira said.

2. characterize的近义词

2. The performance explores dreams and desires, running the full gamut of emotions most commonly considered to characterize flamenco.

3. But the unique international influences that characterize the region also lend its cuisine a distinctive stamp.

4. The extravaganza makes use of the confrontation between last year's mouse and the New Year's ox to characterize the company's repertoire of shows.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Yet facing up to history is one of the qualities that characterize a modern nation, allowing it to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

6. characterize的翻译

6. " I think it's a bit early to try to characterize his demeanor beyond that, " he said.

7. " We had what I would characterize as sometimes difficult but ultimately useful discussions, " she said.


8. " I can't characterize whether they showed flexibility or not in certain system issues, " union president Derek Fisher said.

9. Mayor Michael Bloomberg went so far as to characterize the extra money as " mythical " because most of it is essentially tied up.

10. Appel relates anecdotes to characterize his father and shed light on the events that led to his downfall.

characterize 英英释义



1. describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of

    e.g. You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist
           This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover

    Synonym: qualify characterise

2. be characteristic of

    e.g. What characterizes a Venetian painting?

    Synonym: characterise