chase down

chase down [tʃeis daun]  [tʃes daʊn] 

chase down 基本解释

chase down的反义词

努力寻找; 喝下一种饮料后又喝另一种味淡的酒

chase down 相关例句


1. They are now trying to chase down all possible clues.

chase down 网络解释

1. 找出:chase after 追赶 | chase down 找出 | chase up 追上

chase down 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 追到;抓到
    If you chase someone down, you run after them or follow them quickly and catch them.

    e.g. Ness chased the thief down and held him until police arrived...
    e.g. For thousands of years chasing down game was the main activity in which humans were involved.

2. (搜寻后)找到,找出
    If you chase someone or something down, you manage to find them after searching for them.

    e.g. That's when I chased her down to be the singer in my band...
    e.g. Bank officials argued that it is not their job to chase down every asset of every bank debtor.

chase down 单语例句

1. It took over three hours and help from people doing their morning exercises around the lake for keepers to chase the seal down.

2. chase down

2. The two combined to hold down the top spot in the standings for the entire 26 weeks before the Chase for the championship started.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Their real weapon is speed - they chase after prey and bring them down, but they have to be hungry.

4. Australia's Eamon Sullivan tried to chase Lezak down and appeared to be gaining as they came to the wall.

5. chase down的翻译

5. Li's distraught wife saw the face of the young male gunman and attempted to chase him down the street.

6. The figures chase one another and fight, and never fall down.

7. Bite into the buttery cake topped with soft fragrant chunks of apple and chase it down with a cup of hot milky tea.

8. They chase the market down, selling at any price because they are desperate to lock in a profit.