check out

check out [tʃek aut]  [tʃɛk aʊt] 

check out 基本解释

check out

检查; 合格; [口]看看; 相等

check out 相关例句

check out


1. I have checked out all the figures and found them to be correct.

2. All the trainees checked out all right.

3. Mrs Hyde has checked out this morning.

check out 情景对话

check out在线翻译


B:Can I help you?

A:Yes, do you have any rooms available?

B:A single?

A:No. I need a double and three triples. My family is waiting for me in the car.

B:Please fill out this fomp3, sir.

A:Ok…Here you are.

B:Here are your keys. Check out time is noon.

A:Is breakfast included?



A:Hello. I'm calling from Room 1116.

B:Yes? Can I do something for you?

A:I'm ready to check out now.

B:I have your bill right here.

A:Thank you.

B:Did you make any long distance calls this morning, or did you sign for your breakfast?

A:No, I didn't.

B:Fine. The bill comes to $ 300 even.

A:May I check it?

B:By all means, you ahead.

A:What is this charge here?

B:That's for a long distance call you make two nights ago.

A:I see. Is a credit card OK?

B:Yes, of course.


A:Front desk. May I help you?

B:I’m going to check out tomorrow but will be back in a week’s time. Can I leave my luggage here?

A:Yes, sure. We do have a storage service. When will you be checking out tomorrow?

B:About nine-thirty in the morning.
      大约早上9 点半吧。

A:Then shall we arrange the bellboy to pick up your luggage at 9:00?
      那么我们安排服务生9 点来取行李可以吗?


A:May I have your room number, please?

B:It's 1218.

A:1218. We’ll collect your luggage at 9:00 tomorrow. Would you then come to the Front Desk to get your storage receipt, please?
      1218.我们明早9 点来取行李,然后麻烦您到服务台来取收据。

B:Thank you very much, bye!

A:You’re welcome. Goodbye.

check out 词典解释

1. 结账退房;结账离开(诊所);给…办理结账手续
    When you check out of a hotel or clinic where you have been staying, or if someone checks you out, you pay the bill and leave.

    e.g. They packed and checked out of the hotel...
    e.g. I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just checked out...

2. 了解清楚;核实;查实
    If you check out something or someone, you find out information about them to make sure that everything is correct or satisfactory.

    e.g. Maybe we ought to go down to the library and check it out...
    e.g. We ought to check him out on the computer...

3. 经证实是对的;符合要求
    If something checks out, it is correct or satisfactory.

    e.g. She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. It checked out...
    e.g. Everything checks out.

4. see also: checkout

check out 单语例句

1. Beijing's health bureau launched its campaign on eyesight protection last year, asking all schools to carry out annual check and promote more health knowledge among youngsters.

2. check out

2. Zhang Haoqing and Fu Yu come to ACU by bicycle almost every weekend to check out the new arrivals.

3. Farmers who want to move sheep out of a restricted area can have them tested to check their level of cesium.

4. So take advantage of the Chinese National Day holidays to check out the great sights and sip the teas while you're at it.

5. check out

5. He decided to do something to improve China's horse industry and undertook a trip to Europe to check out the ranches there.

6. Dong put the plaintiff's name on the death list of the Dong family tree and printed it out without a detailed check early this year.

7. Every time a body is moved in or out of the mortuary, staff will check information on the identification form against information contained in the wristband.

8. check out的翻译

8. While carrying out a routine luggage check, police saw a box labeled as containing milk and became suspicious.

9. check out

9. According to the committee, detailed measures are being mapped out on the assessment of the security check.

10. The Committee on Rules of Procedure has asked the LegCo Secretariat to study overseas practices, seeking out a means to hold filibustering in check.

check out 英英释义


1. check out

1. examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition

    e.g. check the brakes
           Check out the engine

    Synonym: check check up on look into suss out check over go over check into

2. check out的翻译

2. try to learn someone's opinions and intentions

    e.g. I have to sound out the new professor

    Synonym: sound out feel out

3. announce one's departure from a hotel

4. withdraw money by writing a check

    Synonym: cheque

5. record, add up, and receive payment for items purchased

    e.g. She was checking out the apples that the customer had put on the conveyer belt

6. trace

    e.g. We are running down a few tips

    Synonym: run down

7. be verified or confirmed
    pass inspection

    e.g. These stories don't check!

    Synonym: check