
chemists ['kemɪsts]  ['kemɪsts] 



chemists 基本解释
药剂师;药房;化学家( chemist的名词复数 );药商;
chemists 网络解释

1. 药房:在英国等国家的药房(chemists)除卖药品外,还销售化妆品、梳妆用品和照相用品. 药房还代客冲洗软片(films). 看病的英语表达方法多种多样,但大都比较简单易记. 现将一些日常用语分类归纳如下:What's wrong (with you)?(你哪儿不舒服吗?

2. 化學研究人員:2112 氣象學研究人員 Meteorologists | 2113 化學研究人員 Chemists | 2114 地質學及地球物理學研究人員 Geologists and Geophysicists

chemists 单语例句

1. Bild newspaper said that chemists believed the notes only disintegrate when in contact with hand perspiration.

2. But the president refused to loosen rules on pharmacists and remove limits on where chemists could set up shop.

3. MIT chemists say they've created an artificial leaf that can mimic photosynthesis, the process by which plants breathe and produce power.

4. chemists的反义词

4. And flavor chemists have found that high alcohol levels accentuate a wine's bitterness, reduce its apparent acidity and diminish the release of most aroma molecules.

5. chemists的解释

5. So chemists are trying to isolate chemicals that produce desirable fragrances and flavors.

6. The ministry predicts the number of cosmetic chemists will rise by 20 percent per year.