1. 骑士:不过出来的时候,三小姐已经穿了一件披风了--那是象征'骑士'(Chevalier)封号的人才能穿的东西. 既然是拿圣杯之战(Fate)中的某个无限接近于魔法的魔术结界来当自己的能力,会不会他的大招就圣杯?那样的话就太恐怖了,
2. 女装骑士:像刚刚完结的隐王,以及女装骑士(Chevalier)的ost--[シュヴァリエ~绊と报复~]还有钢之炼金术师里那首感人的[兄弟]都是她编曲的哦~
3. 谢瓦利埃:正所谓成也萧何败也萧何,向来足智多谋的拉卡米耶在1988年把伯纳德.阿诺特(Bernard Arnault)邀进集团持股,以制约酩悦轩尼诗的大股东谢瓦利埃(Chevalier),1989年1月13日,野心勃勃的阿诺特通过董事会把拉卡米耶排挤出集团,如今,
4. 法语 骑士:12.Chen 汉语 伟大的,辽阔的 | 13.Chevalier 法语 骑士 | 14.Chilton 盎格鲁撒克逊语 靠近河边的城市
1. Hotel Chevalier acts as a prologue to Anderson's 2007 feature The Darjeeling Limited.
2. chevalier什么意思
2. Witnesses said dozens of people were in the restaurant in Chevalier Garden Commercial Complex, when two blasts were heard in the kitchen.
3. The French Ministry of Culture awarded Fei in 1999 the Chevalier medal of honor in arts and literature.
4. French Ambassador Eric Chevalier and Ford both made separate visits to Hama on Thursday.
1. a gallant or courtly gentleman
Synonym: cavalier