
chimp [tʃɪmp]  [tʃɪmp]


chimp 基本解释



chimp 网络解释


1. 黑猩猩:他们不是马(Horse)、黑猩猩(Chimp),也不是鲸(Whale),而是人(People). 所有的人都具有某些共同的特性,使他们有别于其他动物. 但是他们相互之间也是稍有不同的. 婴儿(Baby)与成年人(Adult)相同吗?不同. 他们的动作和说话都不同.

2. (非洲)黑猩猩:众所周知,人类之外的灵长类动物经过教习,能够做非常类似人类的事情,举例来说,非洲黑猩猩(chimp)和猩猩(orangutan)已经用它们学习手语的能力震惊了世界.

3. 猩猩:搞开High fashion的他,最近就推出男女合穿的Unisex T-shirt系列,黑底设计,Photo-print上狒狒(Baboon)、大狒狒(Mandrill)和猩猩(Chimp)的呵欠样,款式奇趣,吸引大批买手订货,包括潮店Harvey Nichols在内,并已告上架!

4. 陆星:陆晓燕 yuer..@.... 133****6283 | 陆星 chimp3..@.... 134****1542 | 陆艳 bluebell1983..@.... 138****4517

chimp 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 同 chimpanzee
    A chimp is the same as a chimpanzee .

chimp 单语例句

1. Hahn's team tested chimp feces for SIV antibodies, finding them in a subspecies called Pan troglodytes troglodytes in southern Cameroon.

2. Years of caring for Aiai has given Wu a better understanding of the chimp.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. All available tissue samples gathered from chimp victims tested positive for one of two germs - human respiratory syncytial virus or human metapneumovirus.

4. The team found some chimp communities with infection rates as high as 35 percent, while others had no infection at all.

5. As keepers tried to woo Judy back into her cage, she rummaged through a refrigerator where chimp snacks are stored.

6. The chimp succumbed to the smokes and would squeal for cigarettes every time she needed a drag.

7. They recently found out a way to let the chimp exercise more by bringing a rabbit into its playground.

8. Lab tests showed that the human version regulated more than 100 other genes differently from the chimp version.

9. Police say Travis attacked Nash when she arrived at the house to help lure the chimp back into Herold's house.

10. Critics interpreted the cartoon's dead chimp as a reference to Obama, who became the first black president of the US on Jan 20.

chimp 英英释义



1. intelligent somewhat arboreal ape of equatorial African forests

    Synonym: chimpanzee Pan troglodytes