


chimpanzees 基本解释
黑猩猩( chimpanzee的名词复数 );
chimpanzees 网络解释


1. 猩猩:一般认为,人类与黑猩猩(chimpanzees)关系更密切,但一项新研究(摘要)指出人类与红毛猩猩(orangutans)有共同的祖先. 匹兹堡大学和布法罗科学博物馆的研究人员对活着的猿类以及古猿化石进行一次详尽的身体特征分析,

chimpanzees 单语例句

1. By contrast, in chimpanzees reproductive declines occur in tandem with overall mortality.

2. He noted that individual differences are big among chimpanzees so the observation might not mean all chimpanzees are capable of the same planning.

3. Other species advertise when they are at their most fertile by changing color, releasing powerful scents or - like chimpanzees - exhibiting swollen genitals.

4. He said it was now believed that either the virus evolved to become less deadly or that chimpanzees developed physical strategies for battling the virus.

5. But these mysterious apes live hundreds of kilometres away from any other known gorilla populations, and their diet is closer to that of chimpanzees.

6. Primate researchers have observed that even chimpanzees in the jungle attack one another.

7. And the behavior is rampant among pygmy chimpanzees and bonobos, some of our fellow primates.

8. Britain's Jane Goodall is the world's leading authority on chimpanzees.

9. Wooding and his colleagues are going to further their studies with research on chimpanzees.

10. Humans and chimpanzees share " perfect identity " in 96 per cent of their DNA sequence, an international team of scientists reports yesterday.