
chinchilla [tʃɪnˈtʃɪlə]  [tʃɪn'tʃɪlə] 



chinchilla 基本解释


chinchilla 网络解释

1. 毛丝鼠:阿根廷还是世界上人工饲养毛丝鼠(chinchilla)的少数几个国家之一. 毛丝鼠个头小(成鼠也只有一斤重),但它的毛皮轻薄柔软,外观和手感极好. 一件比较好的毛丝鼠女大衣价格在1万到5万美元之间. 据介绍,如今中国已经成为毛丝鼠大衣增长最迅速的市场.

2. 金吉拉兔:其他中国兔品种还包括纽西兰兔(New Zealand)、金吉拉兔(Chinchilla),荷兰兔(Dutch),肉桂兔(Cinnamon),棕色兔(Tan)和小丑兔(Harlequin)等等,以及它们的混种后代.

3. 金吉拉:金吉拉(chinchilla)原是指南美洲的一种小型啮齿动物,因为此动物的被毛为黑色,而又带点白色,跟金吉拉的被毛颜色很相似,而以此为名;金吉拉为波斯猫与其他猫种所培育出的新品种,且又是最早以人工所培育出的品种之一,所以又被称为人工猫、人造猫;

4. 栗鼠:连卡佛 (LaneCrawford)里,就辟了一处「鳄鱼区」,专卖各个精品皮草中最贵的,首推体型最小、养殖最不易的栗鼠(Chinchilla )毛皮,因数量实在稀少,通常只会运用在围领或包包的局部点缀,以LV的丹宁布拼接一小撮栗鼠毛的包包,就要价超过12万元,

chinchilla 单语例句

1. Political analyst Luis Guillermo Solis said he fears a " cascade effect " for society and the economy if Chinchilla loses further credibility.

2. chinchilla

2. " I voted for Laura Chinchilla because she has promised to fight for women, " Arias said.

3. Chinchilla had 47 percent of the vote after a quarter of the ballots were counted and her closest contenders conceded defeat.

4. Even former allies have attacked Chinchilla for failing to provide leadership on the economy and tackle rising crime.

5. Avila's departure is the sixth reshuffle Chinchilla has had to make in as many months in the Central American nation.

6. Chinchilla arrived in Shanghai on Sunday to start her state visit, her first stay in China since taking office in May 2010.

7. Chinchilla echoed Wu, and hoped for more visits between senators to help strengthen relations.

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8. Chinchilla said Foreign Minister Rene Castro would move to the environment ministry while diplomat Enrique Castillo would replace him.

9. President Laura Chinchilla said at least 20 bodies had been pulled out the debris, including four minors.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Chinchilla is on her first visit to China as president since taking office in 2010.

chinchilla 英英释义


1. chinchilla的解释

1. small rodent with soft pearly grey fur
    native to the Andes but bred in captivity for fur

    Synonym: Chinchilla laniger

2. a thick twilled fabric of wool and cotton

3. the expensive silvery grey fur of the chinchilla