
choir [ˈkwaɪə(r)]  [kwaɪr] 



choir 基本解释

名词教堂的唱诗班; 唱诗队; 公开表演的合唱团; (教堂)唱经楼

choir 相关例句



1. The choir is the oldest part of that church.

choir 网络解释


1. 合唱团:碟内更翻唱了著名圣诞歌<>,由Enya一把声线做出恍如合唱团(Choir)的效果,据知这是她与监制多年来一直想尝试的实验!说起来Enya亦在碟内再次翻唱<>,成为爱尔兰盖尔语(Gaelic)版本的<>.

2. 唱诗班:你当然不用理会这条过道,你一直向东走,穿过教堂中殿,现在你所站的位置是一个半圆形的后殿(Apse),这里就是唱诗班(Choir)站的地方,也是圣坛(Altar)的所在.

3. 合唱:如挪威乐队Tristania在音乐中,大量加入了交响效果,以及歌剧女高音(Soprano)和唱诗班的大合唱(Choir),古典味相当浓厚;而瑞典的Therion则发展出以管弦乐器与金属乐器并重的交响歌剧金属;另外还有一些专注于气氛营造的乐团,

4. 唱诗班席:耳堂(TRANSEPT) 在一公堂式(BASILICAN)教堂内的一横贯部分,与中堂(NAVE)呈直角相接,通常把中堂与唱诗班席(CHOIR)或后堂(APSE)分隔开(图289). 二十四长老(ELDERS,TWENTY-FOUR) 二十四长老的形象常在罗马式和哥特式教堂正门(PORTALS)上出现(图456).

choir 词典解释

1. (教堂的)唱诗班;(学校的)合唱队,合唱团
    A choir is a group of people who sing together, for example in a church or school.

    e.g. He has been singing in his church choir since he was six.

2. (教堂里的)唱诗班席
    In a church building, the choir is the area in front of the altar where the choir sits.

choir 单语例句

1. The choir responds, the women in the front row moving their shoulders to the music's shuffling cadence.

2. choir

2. The Guangzhou complaint choir performs in the street of the capital of Guangdong province.

3. choir的翻译

3. He later was music director for the Massimo Bellini Theater of Catania in Italy, the Opera Repertoire of the Spanish National Choir and the Zarzuela Theater of Madrid.

4. Friends say she is a 2002 graduate of Eagle Valley Senior High School, a cheerleader and a talented piano player who sang in the choir.

5. Chen wrote about his experience in the lyrics of his complaints choir's first show and sang especially loudly to appeal for migrant workers'rights.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. Nicole Toms practically gushed as she emerged into the sunlight from a massive tent where a gospel choir had brought the crowd to its feet.

7. choir

7. It is also a virtuoso chamber choir, with discipline and technique excelling in both traditional and contemporary music in the classical tradition.

8. She discovered the music of Ella Fitzgerald in her middle school's jazz choir, and started writing songs on guitar and doing solo engagements.

9. They met at their church in Hereford in western England, where he sang in the choir and she was a Sunday school teacher.

10. He also studied in Berlin and had the opportunity to work with the national radio choir and helped write the musical program.

choir 英英释义



1. the area occupied by singers
    the part of the chancel between sanctuary and nave

2. a chorus that sings as part of a religious ceremony

3. choir的意思

3. a family of similar musical instrument playing together

    Synonym: consort


1. sing in a choir

    Synonym: chorus