1. 盛怒:cholepathy 胆管病 | choler 盛怒 | cholera 痧
2. 易怒性:cholecystokinin 胆囊收缩素 | choler 易怒性 | choleria 胆汁型
3. 大怒, 愤怒, 胆汁:choleplania || 黄疸 | choler || 大怒, 愤怒, 胆汁 | cholera epidemic || 霍乱流行
4. 脾气暴躁; 胆汁 (名):cholelithiasis 胆石症 (名) | choler 脾气暴躁; 胆汁 (名) | cholera epidemic 流行性霍乱
1. a humor that was once believed to be secreted by the liver and to cause irritability and anger
Synonym: yellow bile
2. a strong emotion
a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance
3. an irritable petulant feeling
Synonym: irritability crossness fretfulness fussiness peevishness petulance