
chore [tʃɔ:(r)]  [tʃɔ:r] 



chore 基本解释


名词零星工作(尤指家常杂务); 令人讨厌的或繁重的工作

chore 相关例句


1. It's such a chore to do the shopping every day!

2. Does your husband do any chores after work?

3. He freed his assistant from some of her chores.

4. Peeling bags of potatoes is really a chore.

chore 网络解释


1. 杂务:不要胃口太大什么都想自己做,而要分清楚你的主要核心任务(Core)才是自己企业内容的重点,然后将其它周边的杂务(Chore)外包给伙伴. 许多公司的老板自己好大喜功,将公关(PublicRelation)与市场传播(MarketingCommunication)在企业内设立巨大部门自己玩,

2. 家务难事;困难繁琐无趣的工作:1.balcony 阳台;包厢 | 2.chore 家务难事;困难繁琐无趣的工作 | 3.down payment 头期款;预付金;定金

3. 日常零星工作:16. Melbourne 墨尔本警察局 | 17. chore 日常零星工作 | 18. to be bound to 受......的约束,义务,一定......

chore 词典解释

1. 杂务;琐事
    A chore is a task that you must do but that you find unpleasant or boring.

    e.g. She sees exercise primarily as an unavoidable chore...
    e.g. Making pasta by hand with a rolling pin can be a real chore.

2. 家务活;家庭琐事
    Chores are tasks such as cleaning, washing, and ironing that have to be done regularly at home.

    e.g. My husband and I both go out to work so we share the household chores.

chore 单语例句

1. Some Chinese families do not want to cook, considering it too much of a chore.

2. chore是什么意思

2. The bridges will relieve the teachers of the chore of ferrying their pupils to school and insure that they devote their energy to teaching.

3. Having a pile of cash and counting it until the hands cramp would be considered a welcome chore for most.

4. Some take their dogs to pet shops to have others take care of the chore, but others find it all very expensive.

5. We need to free women and girls from the daily chore of hauling water, often over great distances.

6. I used to consider shopping in Hong Kong a chore because of the poor service at most retail outlets.

7. It's understandable if she feels her schedule is already too busy to accommodate another chore.

8. Richardson could concentrate on scoring after being freed from the chore of guarding Miller.

9. All this heavy workload does is to teach children that school is a boring chore.

10. Because of the congestion, Zhong actually finds driving in big cities increasingly a chore.

chore 英英释义



1. a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee

    e.g. estimates of the city's loss on that job ranged as high as a million dollars
           the job of repairing the engine took several hours
           the endless task of classifying the samples
           the farmer's morning chores

    Synonym: job task